The Promise of Youth: Top 3 Spa Services to Offer the Young-at-Heart

Spa services

Spa Services: Looking younger than your actual years is one thing that a lot of people crave. After all, age is only a number and not a reflection of how people feel about themselves.

As such, the market for beauty products that promise a youthful appearance grew exponentially through the years. In fact, the global statistical forecast shows that anti-aging will grow into an $88.3 billion-strong market by 2026.

Want to learn how your spa or beauty clinic can get a piece of that action? Below are three spa services you can offer your young-at-heart clients, how they work, and what can be expected from them.

1. Dermal Fillers

Some of the major signs of age are wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin. These issues can be dealt with by reintroducing plumpness in the affected area to make it look more youthful using dermal fillers.

Unlike Botox, dermal fillers in Dubai don’t freeze the creases created when a person changes facial expressions. Instead, these “fill in” the areas with lost volume, creating a smoother, plumper surface.

How They Work?

As people age, the bodies’ collagen production slows down. And when you lose collagen at around the age of 25, deep-set lines begin to appear on your face.

Also called “soft tissue fillers,” dermal fillers work by injecting substances designed to add fullness to the skin. This will then restore the skin’s lost volume, leaving it looking fuller and more youthful.

What to Expect?

In this procedure, the patient is given a hyaluronic acid facial filler injection. This substance can be found naturally in certain parts of the human body, particularly in the joints, eyeballs, and skin.

Hyaluronic facial fillers promote shape retention and even out any depression that may appear on the skin. They also promote hydration to achieve a younger-looking face.

Before performing the procedure, the aesthetician will assess the part to be filled up and map areas to be augmented. The mapped area will receive the injections.

Below is a list of what happens from that point on:

  • Cleansing and Anesthesia: The treatment area will be disinfected using an antibacterial agent before local anesthesia is administered.
  • Injection: Hyaluronic acid is injected and massaged into the area. After that, an assessment will determine whether additional fillers are necessary. The entire process takes anywhere between 15 minutes to an hour.
  • Cleaning and Recovery: Once the desired filling is achieved, any remaining markings will be cleaned off. An ice pack can help alleviate the discomfort and swelling after the procedure.

Note that your clients may experience the following temporary effects of dermal fillers:

  • An “overfilled” appearance in the treated areas.
  • Mild to severe bruising and tenderness for a day or two.
  • Numbness or redness that will eventually go away.
  • Lumps and hard areas around the injection sites.
  • A hypersensitivity reaction akin to an allergic reaction (i.e., hives).

2. Facials and Peels

A facial is probably the most popular spa service today. In fact, experts believe that the market will grow more even after people have become more capable of handling their own skincare at home. After all, one thing that attracts many clients to this spa treatment is the feeling of getting pampered.

Of course, offering expert facials and peels made specifically for individual clients has a certain appeal to it. This is especially true for the beauty services that give people a more youthful glow.

How They Work?

Facials and peels go hand in hand when it comes to skin rejuvenation. They also introduce antioxidants that help nurture the skin while protecting it from free radicals.

After facials, chemical peels can be administered, though the specific treatment will depend on the skin’s condition (e.g., oily, acne-prone, dry, or requires brightening).

What to Expect?

Facials result in exfoliated and renewed skin. Though the methodology varies from one establishment to another, the general process goes like this:

  • Exfoliation: Some establishments use gentle exfoliates in this step while others go for the more straightforward facial scrub. Whatever method is used, this step aims to eliminate dead cells and impurities from the skin.
  • Steaming: Though some spas skip this part, steaming for about 10 to 15 minutes is crucial in preparing the pores for the extraction process. This also means the procedure won’t hurt as much.
  • Extraction: The aesthetician gently removes skin impurities, including mild acne, whiteheads, and blackheads.
  • Finishing: This last step varies greatly from one establishment to the next. You can go with the most straightforward method of covering the face with a cold towel to close the pores or apply a mild laser over a gauze mask.

After facials, you can offer your clients chemical peels. PCA skincare products in Dubai are used for specialized chemical peels made for each person’s unique needs.

For example, if your client has normal or resilient skin, you can use the PCA 6% Pure Retinol Peel for a dramatic rejuvenation. This also shields the skin from free radicals.

On the other hand, those with blackhead and blemish problems can be offered the Detox Deep Pore Cleansing Facial. This reduces inflammation, eliminates bacteria, and removes cell debris, leaving the skin clean, purified, and hydrated.

3. Vampire Facial

Medically known as the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, the vampire facial is a procedure that has been used to treat injured tendons.

However, doctors and aesthetic experts found that it could also be a viable facial treatment option usually performed after microdermabrasion or micro-needling to hasten the body’s healing process.

How It Works?

In PRP therapy, clinicians take a sample of the patient’s blood and extract plasma and platelets from it. These will be used to create a sample PRP concentrate that will be injected via microneedles into the skin.

The injection will trigger collagen production, which will help improve the appearance of acne scars, fine lines, and hyperpigmentation. This is because the therapy promotes the body’s natural capacity for growth and healing.

What to Expect?

The procedure involves three primary steps:

  • Preparation: This entails the isolation of the PRP from the blood, where the samples will be taken from using an injection (usually done in the arm). The sample will undergo centrifugal processing to separate the PRP from the rest of the blood. A topical anesthetic is applied to the treatment area at this stage if done after microdermabrasion or micro-needling.
  • Micro-needling: Using a special device or roller, the clinician will prick the skin to stimulate collagen production. This process also opens entryways for the PRP concentrate to enter the skin.
  • PRP Application: The PRP concentrate is applied into the treatment area and massaged into the pricked area.

After treatment, patients can expect redness and irritation on the skin. However, this usually clears within four to six days.

After the vampire facial therapy, makeup and any harsh skin products or treatments must be avoided for a while. Using sunscreen and staying indoors are also recommended, though the patient may drive home immediately after the procedure.

The Promise of Youth

Staying true to the promise of youth for clients in your beauty clinic or spa starts with choosing the right services to offer. Consider the ones listed in this article and let your business grow with the anti-aging market.