How to Start Running: 8 Basic Tips for Beginners 


These days, everyone spends hours at our desks. We work, study, play real money online casino games, and even go to the cinema without leaving our flats. This lifestyle leads to health problems. To avoid this, you should start working out. And running is a fantastic choice. Here is how you should start training.

Attend a Running Event

Go there as a spectator. It will already give you a sense of the atmosphere, get a feel for the crowd and the movement. Go to any running event and watch how the athletes behave before and after the start. It’s inspiring.

Notice the Benefits You Get From the Workout

Many people find running boring, and that’s okay. To avoid quitting when you get bored, focus on the perks of the workout.

After each run, you become more resilient, your mood improves, and over time, your figure improves as well. Regular exercise will also change your lifestyle for the better. If a person starts running and is already a bit involved, he is likely to restructure the rest of his life as well. Then he will monitor the quality of his sleep, his diet and his schedule. When a workout is scheduled for the morning, you are unlikely to agree to any late-night hangouts.

Set a Goal for Yourself

Going out for a run “just for fun,” depending on your mood, is not a bad habit. But it won’t lead you to regular training and progress. To love running, it’s important to understand why you need it. Many people start running by setting an ambitious goal: a marathon. Participating in such races is always an unspeakable experience. And also the opportunity to travel and find like-minded people abroad. After all, the running community around the world is growing every year. For others, running is a way of meditation and emotional release. It’s a great way to be alone with your thoughts and enjoy the fresh air.

Determine exactly what jogging gives you and what you would like to get out of it. Then you will understand how to train. After all, the same meditative runs against stress and workouts to prepare for a marathon will be organized differently.

Make a Training Plan and Stick to It

If you want to fall in love with running and make friends with it for years to come, experts advise you to stick to a training plan. Once you decide to take up running on a regular basis, you should have a clear plan. Monotonous training day after day will not lead you to serious progress. That’s why, for example, strength training uses a concept such as “periodization of the training process.” It’s the same in running. You need to alternate between long, tempo and interval training, and sometimes add fartlek or hill running.

A running plan will be closely related to your goal. You can either make one with the help of an app (most of them have ready-made exercise plans for different time periods). Or you can sign up at a running club and ask a professional for an exercise plan. It is also possible to draw up a plan yourself, but beware: if your goal is ambitious (for example, to prepare for a marathon in 3 months), and you have no experience, self-training is likely to end in injury.

Start Slowly

If you want to run long and enjoyably, you don’t need to run fast. 80% of professional runners’ workouts are quiet runs at a low heart rate. The most common mistake for beginners is to run too fast, which leads to instant fatigue, shortness of breath, injuries and rapid loss of motivation. The starting point of your workouts can be a combination of running and brisk walking, at a pace at which you can keep up the conversation.

When you get used to it a bit, it is advisable to add other types of jogging. As you get used to it, start alternating slow and fast runs, which will produce endorphins.

If you are an amateur when it comes to running, there are some things you can do to help yourself feel better and more secure. There are places online where you can take a CPR and first-aid course online so you can be more prepared for any emergencies you may encounter.

Celebrate Your Progress

Keep track of and celebrate even your small successes. Run faster than you did two weeks ago? “Keep your heart rate lower than usual? Be sure to praise yourself.

Be sure to notice your progress. If you remember that a year ago you couldn’t run one mile, and now you run ten every day, isn’t that a superpower? Gradually, there is an excitement: If I have achieved this in a few months, what will happen in a year of training?

The best way to track your progress is to use any running app. Don’t be lazy to watch your running reports twice a month, do you? The first positive dynamics can be noticed after 5-6 workouts.

Spend More on Equipment

Nice new gym clothes or stylish running shoes can sometimes be an added incentive to get out for a run. Get out to the park a few times to “shine” your cool elbows, and then turn it into a habit!

Select the Right Shoes

Let’s understand why you should buy special running shoes and why you should not go out for a workout in ordinary sneakers.

There are several reasons for this:

  • Running shoes have certain conditions that “help” the foot when running and reduce the risk of injury. At the initial stage, when the body is just getting used to regular exercise, this is especially relevant.
  • It is much more comfortable to run in running shoes. Manufacturers ensure that sneakers conform to the anatomical structure of the foot and do not chafe.
  • Sneakers will not withstand regular jogging and will fall apart soon.

Cushioning is a key feature. It dampens the shock load and makes you run softer and more comfortable. It is ensured by using different types of special foam. Its main enemies – weight and speed. The more cushioned the sneaker, the safer and more comfortable it is, but at the same time, it is heavier and absorbs more force, reducing speed.

Flexibility is easily tested with your hands. It is desirable that the sneaker bends easily in them. A fixed sole gives stabilization but provokes running from the heel and incorrect technique, which leads to injuries in the long run. Our feet are built for running, and cramming them in is not the best idea.