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Budget Summer Watch Picks: 6 Best Dive Watches Under $500
Dive watches are a godsend. Back in the day, dive watches were a significant innovation in the watch industry to help SCUBA divers keep...
The Many Risks of Sleep Apnea
Risks of Sleep Apnea: Since discovering a human's ability to sleep, the importance and benefits of getting good quality rest are known worldwide. We...
10 Tips for Using Blush Perfectly Every Time
Using Blush Perfectly, all the incredible beauty products out there, you can ignore the blush as a complement: beginner’s mistakes. Just a few brush strokes...
Daily Habits that can Cause Acne
Cause Acne is synonymous with puberty and adolescence in our imagination, the truth is that it is more present than we ever think in...
5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Buying Your Next Face Wash
Month after month, an array of products ranging from retinol serums to toners make it to the skincare regimen. However, one product has remained...
8 Best Beauty Tips for your Skin and Hair
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5 Things to Consider Before Getting a Cosmetic Facial Procedure
Cosmetic surgery: More than 15 million people per year get cosmetic surgeries in America alone.
That big of a number shouldn't necessarily be an endorsement...
A No-Frills Guide to Shopping for CBD Skincare Products
When you have only ever purchased standard creams and lotions without CBD, you may not know what you have to consider when you decide...
What to Eat for Youthful, Radiant Skin
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