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What to Eat for Youthful, Radiant Skin
Radiant Skin: It’s clear to most people that nutrition is important for health. Over time, a poor diet can increase your risk for health...
Signs You Might Need an Eye Lift
Eye Lift: Ptosis, a condition in which the upper eyelid droops, affects around 4.7% to 13.5% of adults worldwide. Also known as blepharoptosis, it...
Why Hair Growing Slowly? 7 Reasons for Slower Growth
Many people want long, flowing hair. Or, at the very least, hair that grows at a fast enough rate to help fight damage.
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Top 5 Mattifying Powders for Oily Skin
Top 5 Mattifying Powders for Oily Skin
Mattifying Powders - If the shine of your oily skin brings you upside down, don't worry. We select the...
4 Places to Find Your Skin’s Fountain of Youth
People have perhaps always sought ways to hang onto their youth. Alexander the Great searched for an age-healing river in the 4th century. Spanish...
How To Get Thicker Lashes With Mascara
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How to Determine the Most Appropriate Serum for Your Face Skin?
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Timeless Bridesmaid Designs That Are Perfect For All Wedding Seasons
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