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Homemade Facial Scrub: 6 Recipes and Some Tips to Keep in Mind!
We have all resorted to homemade beauty remedies inherited from our mothers and grandmothers. Who has not used cucumber slices to decongest puffiness and...
Tricks to Help You Extend the Shelf Life of Your Shoes
Shelf Life of Your Shoes: A person's shoes are an essential component of their clothing. They facilitate movement and can add a wonderful finishing...
Different Types of Facial Serum
Different Types of Facial Serum - Simply put, Dale describes serums as a "medicine" for your skin. "Each has its way of breaking down...
10 Easy Ways to Grow your Hair
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What is Beauty – Observation, Natural and Artificial Beauty
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4Cs to Know About Before Buying a Diamond Stud
Whether you’re a minimalist or someone who loves to pamper yourself with luxury jewellery, a diamond stud can never disappoint you. Almost every woman...